Much can be observed if one watches chickens. First there were two, we call them the "old ladies;" then there were four babies, then there were two babies, then there were four adults all together. The Old Ladies and the Young Ladies. Of the old, there's Crooked Foot and Straight Toes. Of The young there's Starry and Night. Night is quite friendly, an iridescent black with emerald shine, beautiful. Starry is speckled black and white. Old Crooked Foot was the Boss Chicken, getting her pick of the food and eating first, but when Night grew up, they got in a big fight. Crooked foot emerged one day like a phoenix on it's last legs right before the flames. All disheveled and featherless, very beat up looking. After that I realized Night was the new boss. Poor Starry is at the bottom of the pecking order. When I was the designated feeder, Nighty would stand right in my path and not move if I shook my foot. She would rustle her feathers and kind of squat down right in fr...